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Government vs GovAssist
Services Government GovAssist
TSA Pre-check
24/7 Online Application
Safe form and privacy protection
No time restrictions
Straightforward and Streamlined Application Procedure
Unlimited rectification of inaccurate or incomplete information
Verification and validation of additional required information
24 / 7 Round-the-Clock Email Support and Assistance
Reimbursement of Service Fees in Case of Travel Authorization Rejection*
Prices and Fees Government fee: $100 GovAssist fee: $195 *Government fees included

*Only the GovAssist fee will be refunded, the government fee cannot be refunded once the application has been processed

With Global Entry membership you can skip long airport lines! How? Here’s our straightforward 3-step process to get you there:


Fill out our simplified form

Complete our online application in just a few clicks with our enhanced and easy-to-fill-out form.


Book your Interview

Confirm your interview slot at the nearest Enrollment Center! Our dedicated consultants will assist you with preparing for it, and ensure your submission is clear of errors or mistakes.


Become a Global Entry member

Once your Global Entry membership is approved, enjoy expedited customs clearance — no more waiting in long lines — your key to stress-free international travel.

What is Global Entry?

Tired of waiting in airport lines? With Global Entry membership you get access to stress-free passport control. Imagine a travel experience with no more waiting and make it a reality with Global Entry.

How Does Global Entry Work?

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) oversees Global Entry, a program designed to provide fast clearance to low-risk, pre-approved travelers upon their arrival in the United States. Get red-carpet arrival by skipping traditional passport control lines.

Why Apply With GovAssist?

Our team has designed a state-of-the-art document processing platform that is specifically aimed at streamlining and clarifying the process of Global Entry submissions. For just $195, our comprehensive service bundle includes a guarantee of error-free submission as well as all applicable government fees, plus our decades of expertise.

Through our user-friendly step-by-step instructions, we will guide you closely through each stage, keeping you informed at all times. Our ultimate objective is to provide you with a hassle-free experience when applying for or renewing your Global Entry membership, ensuring both convenience and peace of mind.

Frequently Asked Questions

Due to growing travel demands, and the ever-increasing influx of travelers worldwide, this initiative came about as a way to streamline airport functioning.
Prioritizing frequent and pre-vetted travelers allows faster passenger management flow, plus you get to enjoy whizzing through airport lines like security or passport control.
Once granted, your membership is valid for 5 years.
Our expert service guarantees an error-free submission, as well as assisting in preparing you for your interview, thus boosting your chances of approval.
There are so many benefits to pick from, but just to name a few: little to no wait times, available at all major airport hubs, and access to fast-tracked entry.
End-to-end, this process may take up to 11 months. We help you by ensuring you have all the current information you need, and take care of the bureaucratic piece on your behalf.
Still have questions? We have answers for you!