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General Visa Information

Are you the U.S. embassy?
How long does it take to get a U.S. visa?
The Embassy where I want to apply is closed at the moment. Can I still apply for a visa or should I wait for it to open?
Can I apply for a visa in another country and attend the interview there?
Can I travel even if there is a travel ban?
I have a connecting flight through the U.S. but I do not plan to stay there. Do I still need a visa?
I want to study in the United States. Can you help me apply for a student visa?
I wish to work in the United States. Can you help me get a work visa?
Can I work on the B1 visa for a short time?

Visa application process

Where can I find my DS-160 application?
How can I change some information on the DS-160 form?
How do I log in to the Embassy account?
I accidentally applied for the wrong visa type. Can you please change the visa type for me?
I don't have anyone in the United States / no specific place that I'm planning to stay at yet, how can I apply?

Embassy Interview

Can you help me schedule the interview?
Can you get me an earlier appointment?
Is the face-to-face visa interview mandatory for all applicants, regardless of their age?
How can I check if there are available appointments?
I would like to renew my visa. Do I still need to attend the interview?

Payment and Refund

I have trouble paying with my credit card. I have tried several cards so far and still cannot pay. Can you help?
Can I pay for your service with cash?
I already paid for my visa. Why do I have to pay again
I have changed my mind. Can I ask for a refund?
I need a refund. How many days until I get my money back?
I received the confirmation that the refund was already issued, but the reversed transaction is not showing on my bank statement.